
Many l和 和 oceanic oil operations use temperature sensing to help improve safety 和 functionality in harsh environments. 光纤 used in these conditions are routinely exposed to high temperatures 和 pressures, 还有周围的电离辐射和攻击性化学物质.

考虑到这些极端情况,公司越来越多地使用 硅基光纤 对于这两个 分布式温度传感. These fibers offer advanced properties including superior thermal stability 和 mechanical robustness. They are also able to transmit optical power with minimal added attenuation or signal loss.

While researchers have thoroughly studied the mechanical strength of optical fibers under ambient conditions, they have rarely examined fibers after exposure to elevated temperatures 和/or liquids. 事实上, 据我们所知, there is no systematic data documenting the mechanical strength of optical fibers placed under high temperatures 和 pressures such as those experienced in temperature sensing.

这就是为什么当OFS的Andrei Stolov决定进行一项实验研究时, 他在某种程度上是在“未知领域”活动.在开始实验之前, Stolov realized that a number of factors would influence whether optical fibers could survive the harsh conditions found in oil operations. These aspects include the type of fiber coating, environment, temperature, pressure 和 usage time.

When optical fibers are used at elevated temperatures or in aggressive environments, the most frequent indications of failure are added attenuation or loss of mechanical strength. 在斯托洛夫的研究中,他用强度退化作为失败的标准.

在他的实验中,斯托洛夫用 各种涂料 四种高温高压流体, namely (1) distilled water; (2) sea water; (3) isopropyl alcohol (IPA); 和 (4) paraffin oil. 海底和井下应用是他选择钻井液的主要原因. 在这些情况下,光纤可能会暴露在这些或类似的环境中.

想了解更多beat365登录这项研究和结果的信息,请点击这里 在这里.


光纤传感器 could one day catch thieves who steal electricity 和 materials from overhead power lines. 英国公司B和weaver最近展示了一种 分布式声传感 检测电源线入侵和中断的系统. 系统通过使用 沿光纤的后向散射效应.

一个主要的全球性问题是篡改和盗窃电线. 事实上, this activity costs the electric industry an estimated $96 billion a year. Tampering can also interrupt power supplies 和 lead to operating losses for power companies 和 national grids.

Detecting 和 identifying theft when it first happens is the key to solving this problem. The power industry generally sees current solutions as time consuming, inefficient 和 expensive.


Working with Dominican Republic power company ELESUR 和 an infrastructure firm, B和weaver在圣多明各的ELESUR分站安装了它的系统. 研究小组希望证明 光子学技术 could locate 和 identify any tampering with overhead lighting 和 distribution poles connected to a 光缆. 他们认为只要持续观察一根光纤, the system could monitor the entire route for real-time threats 24/7 using existing 光纤电缆.

团队安装了系统,然后等待. When power company employees created different types of disturbances at r和om power line locations, DAS系统检测并定位了每个问题.

B和weaver believes that the demonstration’s success proved the ability of its system. The DAS system identified the exact location of each incident 和 then sent specific information to security systems 和 alerted company staff.

Possibly the greatest value of the system is that it alerted the power company when a threat began. This “heads up” notification could help companies act before major damage is done. 这种能力可以帮助降低成本和改进系统操作.


对光纤传感感兴趣? 如果是这样的话, you’ll want to check out the “来自前线的故事 of 光纤传感” webinar presented by OptaSense 和 sponsored by the 光纤传感 Association (FOSA).

Whether it’s detecting pipeline leaks, damage to railroads or intrusion at critical facilities, 光纤传感 plays an increasingly important role in protecting 和 keeping key infrastructure assets operating globally.

The webinar features 光纤传感 installations across a wide range of industry verticals, 申请及地点, including system action videos with the challenges 和 successes of actual deployments.

要下载并观看本次网络研讨会,请 去这里.
要订阅FOSA的电子通讯, 去这里.


Leading experts from OFS will present six technical papers at the first-ever UL 和 IWCS China Cable & 互联互通研讨会将于2017年4月25日至27日在中国上海举行.

这些演讲将涵盖广泛的主题,从丙烯酸酯为基础, 苛刻的环境涂层用于高速特种光纤, 基于宽带多模光纤的SWDM传输.

要了解更多beat365登录这些技术论文和研讨会的信息, 去这里.


在美国, 万圣节是孩子们装扮成小鬼魂的日子, 小妖精甚至超级英雄都来敲邻居的门, 反复喊着“不给糖就捣蛋”的善意威胁.”

万圣节的零售额预计将达到8美元.2016年40亿美元, this night has also become one of the biggest unofficial holidays of the year for adults, 派对和庆祝活动比比皆是.

然而, 在不久之前的另一个万圣节之夜, millions of unsuspecting New Engl和ers had no warning that a true utilities nightmare was about to unfold.

我们邀请你作为客座博主Natasha Juhasz (OFS Social Media)继续阅读, 公关及项目经理), 编织了她的故事“新英格兰的万圣节停电”.”


The commercial use of optical fiber in harsh environments is continually growing.  These applications include medical probes that undergo sterilization at elevated temperatures 和 distributed sensors in oil 和 gas pipelines 和 wells exposed to extreme heat 和 cold.  这些纤维要成功使用, researchers 和 manufacturers must address the issues of fiber performance 和 reliability under the harshest conditions.

然而, current theories 和 knowledge on the strength 和 dependability of silica-based optical fiber have been based almost exclusively on experiments conducted in optical telecommunications environments.  此外,这些测试只使用了一个相对狭窄的温度范围.  For usage in extreme environments, fiber developers 和 users need new data 和 information.

beat365登录光子学最近的一份白皮书中, researchers describe a setup for testing the tensile strength of optical fiber when exposed to high temperatures.  This paper also reports the initial results of dynamic tensile strength testing conducted on polyimide-coated optical fiber at elevated temperatures over various time intervals.

要了解更多信息并访问本白皮书, 点击这里.